Labels 48h to nowa linia etykiet
chatrakteryzujących się specjalnymi
rozwiązaniami oraz szybką realizacją

Who we are?
Multicolor Printing House is a dynamically growing family business. We have operated on both Polish and European markets since 2004. We are a leading manufacturer of booklet labels on the Polish market. You can trust our experience.
Our modern office and production plant are in Widna Góra near Jarosław, very conveniently located just off the highway A4.
What we do?
The subject of online sales are the highest quality labels, tailored to the needs of our customers. Starting with Booklet labels, we sell reel labels with a print on the back, Blanko labels, food labels, Sandwich labels and many, many more. We strive to expand our Internet offer to the scale of stationary sales. We cordially invite you to our store, where the assortment will increase day by day.

What are our bestsellers?
Our bestseller are BOOKLET labels. Labels present the product from the best perspective and highlight a lot of additional product information, correct application or statutory information that cannot be placed on a standard label (one-sided printed).
Consumer safety is the most important thing. It often happens that a product leaflet is lost or simply lands in the basket. The Booklet label, attached to the product, excludes such situations and protects consumers from improper use endangering their health and life.
Labels are great for export sales because they have a lot of space for multilingual translations.